IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Contents tagged: information sharing

Nov. 17, 2017 Americas, Western Pacific Publication

Using Information Communication Technology in Models of Integrated Community-Based Primary Health Care: Exploring ICT in the iCOACH Study

Information and communication technology (ICT) is a promising enabler to support delivery of integrated care by inter-disciplinary teams by supporting information sharing across professional and  organizational boundaries; arguably a crucial aspect of successful models of integrated care

Nov. 29, 2017 Europe Publication

Making it Easier: A Health Literacy Action Plan for Scotland

Making it Easier- a health literacy plan for Scotland 2017-25, builds on the current learning about health literacy and aims to remove and prevent barriers. Health literacy is the degree to ehich individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropiate health decisions

The new guidance aims to improve design and delivery of services founded on the following themes: 

- equal access

- shared decision-making

- people supported to live and die well on their own terms with the health conditions they have

June 1, 2021 Europe, Western Pacific, Global Event

22nd International Conference on Integrated Care. ICIC22 Odense, Denmark – May 23-25 2022

The 22nd International Conference on Integrated Care will take place in Odense, Denmark, from 23 – 25 May 2022.  The conference is a partnership of the International Foundation for Integrated Care with Healthcare Denmark in cooperation with Odense University Hospital, Municipality of Odense, Campus Odense and Inspiring Denmark. Denmark is among international frontrunners when it comes to integrated healthcare services.

A coherent and integrated healthcare system is key to solving the demographic challenges and reduce patient length of stay at hospitals. A high degree of coherence means that Denmark can address newly diagnosed cancers with clinical pathways, which connect hospitals, clinics, GPs and the patients. This has already led to remarkable progress in Danish cancer survival.

A coherent and integrated healthcare system with a high degree of digitalization enables real-time sharing of electronic data and makes it possible to initiate early diagnostics and address chronic diseases in new ways, where the ...